Monday, February 17, 2020

The Movie, Kingdom of heaven

The Movie, Kingdom of heaven Kingdom of Heaven remains one of the most undeleted movies of the century. It's a movie one would watch and watch over and over again. Filled with action, love/romance, Religion, history and more, the movie tells the story of the struggle by the Muslims and the Christians to keep the Holy land. Each fought for what they believed to be rightfully theirs. view details on our main website at

Sunday, February 16, 2020

I almost slept with my younger sister!

I almost slept with my younger sister! I am the first son in a family of 5, from Trans-Ekulu, Enugu state. I had an experience last two weeks in Wuse, Abuse. I want to tell this story because our society is fast turning into something else, and i want other men out there to learn from my story. I left home when i was just 7 to stay with my uncle in Lagos, to learn trade. I stayed with my uncle for another 7 years. view details on our main website at

Friday, February 14, 2020

10 Non-verbal signs that a girl has feelings for you

10 Non-verbal signs that a girl has feelings for you Are you in love ( Not the "stop and hit and drop" kind of love) with a girl and you're wondering if she's actually feeling anything for you? Maybe you've been expecting verbal confirmation from her and you're not getting it. Some girls are not very vocal about their feelings like some men do. Check out these 10 signs below, maybe you'd find yourself somewhere! 1. view details on our main website at

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ask a question

Ask a question [anspress] view details on our main website at

Love: I'm white and I'm proudly and crazily in love with a black African!

Love: I'm white and I'm proudly and crazily in love with a black African! I'm excited to write this. Back in School we used to  have these conflicting schools of thought about inter-racial marriage. Especially between blacks and whites. Since when I was young i had always had this feeling to marry a black man. In a kind of way, in the settlement where i grew up, i met only nice blacks and they remained a major part of my childhood memories. view details on our main website at

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Questions view details on our main website at

Energies Series 1: Life and Energies

Energies Series 1: Life and Energies Life and energies Right from kindergarten we have been taught that all life depend directly or indirectly on the energy we receive from the sun. This energy you will agree is also responsible for the survival of man who found his way to convert it to other types of energies for his own use. view details on our main website at

Monday, February 10, 2020

Hello Guest!

Hello Guest! Hello Guest! we could see you are currently not logged in. Please log in or  register to Continue view details on our main website at

Fraud Alert! : James Joel Mchome Facebook Fraud

Fraud Alert! : James Joel Mchome Facebook Fraud This is a special warning to All and sundry. There's a scammer on Facebook by the name of James, Joel Mchome, supposedly from Tanzania. The Guy posts in groups that he has a web hosting service for sale unsuspecting victims rush to inbox him and he charges $50 for the Sale. view details on our main website at

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Ask Question

Ask Question view details on our main website at

Do Succubi really exist?

Do Succubi really exist? Succubus, was first used in the late 14th century to refer to  a sexual demon in the form of  a female that appears to males in dreams, trances and other conditions, and induces sexual acts with them while drawing energy from them in the process. There has been so much said about their existence, and their nature and activities.  Some people do not believe that these beings exist. view details on our main website at

Friday, February 7, 2020


Questions view details on our main website at

Signs of an imminent Succubus/Incubus attack

Signs of an imminent Succubus/Incubus attack You may have heard of or even suffered from a succubus/incubus attack before. These spirits have been known since time immemorial for attacking their victims and absorbing their live energy while getting them sexually aroused. There have been many theories and counter-theories on the nature and activities of these supernatural beings. We may not be looking into those in this article. view details on our main website at

Monday, February 3, 2020

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions Welcome to These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of's Website. is located at: , - , US By accessing this website we assume you accept these terms and conditions in full. Do not continue to use's website if you do not accept all of the terms and conditions stated on this page. view details on our main website at

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy for Hopecompass Organization At Hopecompass Organization, accessible from, one of our main priorities is the privacy of our visitors. This Privacy Policy document contains types of information that is collected and recorded by Hopecompass Organization and how we use it. view details on our main website at

The power of death: Weeping for a loved one

The power of death: Weeping for a loved one I know that at different levels of maturity, there are things one is not expected to cry over..But there are times when it gets too much to hold,and the heart lets it go . There is one incident I won’t forget in a hurry..15th may,2016! Mama was the one who raised me like a mother hen raises her chicks. When I got into the university, I got “weaned” and it took time for that to settle. view details on our main website at

Saturday, February 1, 2020


Blog view details on our main website at

The story of the elephant rope: power of belief

The story of the elephant rope: power of belief Belief is the greatest power ever has been. it can keep someone bound, or keep them absolutely free for a lifetime. it can change destinies, it has spirit, and spirit is life. What you believe is what you live. Read this simple story below.. view details on our main website at

Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program About Our Mentorship Program Life is hard, I can't just focus. Things are just slipping by me. I don't even kn...